Nts'é t'índę́'ę?
What are you doing?
Nts'é t'áhdę́'ę?
What are you all doing?
What are you all doing?
I'm eating.
I'm eating.
I'm sewing.
I'm sewing.
I'm reading.
I'm reading.
Nts'é łâan tsuudę́'ę?
What shall we do?
What shall we do?
Ndée ts'į́' ghínhaał?
Where are you going?
Where are you going?
Ndée ts'į́' ghahdeł?
Where are you all going?
Where are you all going?
Xaxdeldiix shax ts'į́' ghíhhaał.
I'm going to school.
I'm going to school.
Xaxdeldiix shax ts'į́' ts'aadéł.
We're going to school.
We're going to school.
Ch'utkéet shax ts'į́' ghíhhaał.
I'm going to the store.
I'm going to the store.
Ch'utkéet shax ts'į́' ts'aadéł.
We're going to the store.
We're going to the store.
I'm going home.
I'm going home.
Let's go home.
Let's go home.
Díi łâan natsuu'aal?
What shall we eat?
What shall we eat?
Shí' gęyh.
Dry meat.
Dry meat.
Łéets éet'eey.
Dry fish.
Dry fish.
Díi naghuh'áał eynínthen?
What do you want to eat?
What do you want to eat?
Díi naghuh'áał eynáhthen?
What do you all want to eat?
What do you all want to eat?
Kón' nti̋h?
Where are the matches?
Where are the matches?
Jah ch'e.
Here they are.
Here they are.
Naa ch'e kón'.
There are the matches.
There are the matches.